TeachMeet Post Event Survey

TeachMeet Post Event Survey


Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. Your answers will not only help us to improve and develop our programmes but will enable us to report on the impact of our work to our supporters. Anonymous evaluation data may be shared with our project partners, staff and other local arts organisations, in order to inform and shape future work.


Your responses may be used by us for reporting, research and marketing purposes but will always be done so anonymously unless your permission has been sought. All information collected about you will be stored securely and will not be shared with anyone without first being anonymised, unless we have sought express permission to attribute your views to you.


Before completing this survey, please read our privacy policy here


TeachMeet Post Event Survey
1. I confirm that I have read the above mentioned policy and agree to share my data accordingly. *
6. Please rate how far you agree with the following statements after attending TeachMeet: Creativity at home:
For presenters only
12. How did you hear about TeachMeet? (You can select more than one) *

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