Henry Moon & the Greasy Spoon

Everyone knows Flo’s café. It hasn’t changed in years. It’s no tea at the Ritz, in fact it’s a little bit shabby, but the kettle’s always boiling, and Flo is ready with a welcoming smile. Only problem is, where are the customers!

All visiting those fancy new coffee bistros, no doubt. All seems doomed for Flo until one cold windy day a strange old chap called Henry Moon blows through the doors of the café. Wearing a coat of many pockets, some rose tinted glasses and bursting with imaginative stories, could this strange little man be the answer to Flo’s problems? Henry Moon and the Greasy Spoon is perfect for families that enjoy theatrical play, puppetry, mask, dance, song and lots of laughter. Combining clever sets, original music, creative props and lots of imagination.